The Chalenge
Gemini Man, directed by Ang Lee, is a unique concept where Will Smith battles his own clone in a fast-paced, action-packed narrative. A key challenge was recreating an American hardware store, the setting for a climactic scene, entirely in a Hungarian studio. While the exterior scenes were shot in the U.S., the store’s interior and exterior had to be rebuilt from scratch.
The exterior graphics were reproduced from set photos due to incomplete source files and no time for overseas shipping. At the same time, the interior graphics had to be designed entirely from the ground up to align seamlessly with the exterior visuals.
Adding to the complexity, graphics for other locations also needed to be developed simultaneously, each requiring the same attention to detail. Despite the tight schedule and challenges, all designs were delivered with consistency and quality, meeting the high expectations of the production team.
Bringing the Vision to Life
After reading the script, my first task was to reproduce the exterior graphics of the hardware store using reference photos. Simultaneously, I worked on designing the interior graphics, drawing from the clear vision of production designer Guy Hendrix Dyas. The store needed to feel alive, and every graphic—from train magazines to paint buckets and even stunt mat labels—played a role in adding depth to the setting. The details were essential not only for storytelling but also to help the actors fully immerse themselves in the scene.
The process was dynamic, with new ideas continuously emerging despite the tight deadlines. We added countless small details, such as instructional signs, safety labels, and product packaging, which enriched the set and enhanced the narrative. A similar level of detail was required for the train carriage interior, where intricate signage and labels were meticulously crafted for the studio-built train, even though many of these details might never be seen by the audience. This commitment to perfection elevated the quality of the final product.
Beyond these two locations, similar attention to detail was applied to other key sets, much to the satisfaction of Guy Hendrix Dyas and Ang Lee. Both were thrilled with the quality and authenticity of the graphics, which perfectly aligned with their creative vision. Frequent communication and collaboration streamlined the design process, allowing us to include extra details despite the tight schedule, making the final visuals even more immersive and polished.